Human Design for Parents & Educators
Human Design for Parents & Kids Podcast
The Head Center
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -20:20

The Head Center

The Pressure Center (Yellow Triangle) at the top of the Body Graph
Human Design Head Center, Human Design Gate 64, Human Design Gate 61, Human Design Gate 63

Welcome back to Human Design for Parents (and Kids!), the show where we are talking about living in alignment with who G-d created us to be, one day at a time.

In this episode, we will discuss the energy of the Head Center. The Human Design Head is the (usually) Yellow triangle at the top of the chart with only three Gates. If it is colored in, it is defined. If it is white, it is open or undefined. The Head Center is a Pressure Center, which means if we leave the energy inside the Head Center with no expression, it will place internal pressure on us to ACT.

Which can feel a little more like this:

Audrey Hepburn cooking with a Pressure Cooker

When we use this energy appropriately, it can feel a little more like this:

Human Design Head Center Pressure
Master Chef AU celebrating the release of pressure

It CAN feel like turning the pressure release valve on a pressure cooker and just letting it go carefully, and in a controlled, steady stream IF we take learn to use this energy correctly.

Tune into this episode and learn:

  1. How to flip the energy of each Gate in the Human Design Head Center on its head (pun INTENDED)

  2. The low vibe and high vibe questions of Human Design Gate 64 (and what “figuring it out” usually means)

  3. The low vibe and high vibe questions of Human Design Gate 61 (and why I don’t cry, “WHY?” anymore)

  4. The low vibe and high vibe questions of Human Design Gate 63 (and the relationship between doubt and faith)

Do you or someone you love have any of the Gates of the Head Center defined? You can find out by getting your free chart on my website:

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Speaking of inspiration, we are going to be talking about the gates of the head and the Human Design Head Center. The head gate is the gate of inspiration. It's kind of the bridge or the connection between the material plane and the quantum field, or what we would call the bridge between the ego and the Higher Self.

This is kind of drawing back on the information I've shared with you about Kabbalah, that there are several layers to the soul, so these are the head, the inspiration center or the head center. It's connecting the lower levels of the soul with the higher levels of the soul, the higher self, and the higher, and our definition of God, or source, or higher power. Higher parent, maybe. You can pick whichever word for God suits you, I definitely have my own words that I use to relate to God myself.

Creating According to Design

Human Design Bodygraph image showing how we co-create with the Universe to manifest inspiration into reality, created by Sashya Clark, Human Design Specialist to help illustrate the direction we need to go to partner with the Divine.

We are all conditioned to take every inspired idea in our head, and then immediately turn it into a plan. Like, what's your plan here? And that is directionally coming from the Divine down through the inspiration center of the head, the first triangle in the body graph, and then immediately translating it into the second triangle that's upside down, the Ajna center. But it is correct and aligned for us to take the inspiration from the Head Center, say thank you, and the toss it back out into the field of infinite possibility, letting the universe decide how to bring the idea through our root center in Divine Timing, through our body, through our experience, and into our experiential material realm. This is where we respond to it (if we're a generator), or we get an invitation to it (if we're a projector), or we get a clear sense of internal timing (if we're a manifester or a manifesting generator), or we delight in it after waiting through a lunar cycle (if we are a reflector).

And this takes patience.

So we get this kind of backward, our not-self immediately wants to take the inspiration of God and turn it into a plan, and then act on it. And that's backwards. We are all racing to get to the throat center and manifest our reality, but every single one of the types in human design needs to learn to wait for divine timing. And this is important because most of us aren't that patient.

So that's the first thing, I want to make sure that you know that the quantum field works down through the head, and then it goes back out into the quantum field, and then up through the root and into the body. We'll talk about that more as we explore the other centers in the body graph, but I want you to know that's the direction of creativity, that it's not down through the head and through the ajna and to the throat, and then into the body. And when we do go that direction, it comes across as controlling and limiting.

The Gates in the Head Center

Human Design Gate 64

The name of Gate 64 in traditional human design is the Gate of Confusion. I like to call this the Dreamer Gate, and the reason, I do have this gate defined in my chart, and I call it the Dreamer Gate because I find that people with this channel, or with this gate defined, have a lot of dreams, and their dreams are actually telling them something. So if you have Gate 64 in your chart, or if you have a child who does, especially if you have the whole channel 64-47 of abstraction, you must begin to catalog your dreams and listen to them as, they may have some patterns that you would want to be aware of.

I have a little folder in my Evernote on my phone, and so the first thing I do when I wake up, if I've had a dream, is I just write down the dream. And I have found that the symbols in the dream can mean pretty consistent things, certain symbols mean pretty consistent things, I always take them as love letters from the Divine and turn them into a prayer, like, okay, this is the dream I had, please help me to interpret it correctly and show me the wisdom that you're trying to impart to me so that I can act on it appropriately.

So this gate carries with it the energy of trying to “figure it out” when it's confused. So “figuring it out” is an energy I'm intimately familiar with, and the funny thing is we can't figure it out, whatever it is, but I have learned that if I'm trying to figure it out, I'm already trying to take inspiration and force it into the Ajna to make a plan.

We CAN turn that energy into a question. Gate 64 is like driving in the fog: sometimes you can only see the next tenth of a mile in front of you, and that's all you're responsible for with this gate, is just knowing what the next right step is.

So we can turn the confusion into a question, and then just go back to the universe and say, okay, I took the next step, so now how do you want to proceed?

One time I remember the vehicle we were driving was on its last leg, and it finally died in our driveway. I remember closing the door as I was getting the kids out, and I looked up and I said, “I can't wait to see how You're going to provide our next vehicle for us!” That's the energy of the figuring it out, too: surrendering to knowing that I can't figure it out, and just throwing it back into God's lap and saying, “I can't wait to see how You figure this out.”

I also encourage anyone with Gate 64, especially 64-47, to keep an idea journal. So you'll have a lot of, people with this energy have a lot of inspired ideas. Not all of them are meant for you to take action on. Put them in a safe place, though, and love them just as they are. I call them my “idea babies.” You never know, someone might need one of those ideas in a week or two, or the universe might bring you an opportunity to act on those ideas. It's fun to catalog them with dates. In six months, I thumb back through my idea journal and I am like, “Wow, I've been sitting on that idea for like six months! And it's now coming to fruition!”

The affirmation for Gate 64: “I only need to see the next step to trust, step forward, and take the next right action.”

Human Design Gate 61

In traditional human design Gate 61 is called the Gate of Mystery. I like to call this gate the gate of the big aha moment, and I live to see this gate light up. This is one of my favorite gates. This is a real individual aha moment gate.

It's called the gate of mystery, the gate of inner truth, the gate of the big aha. On a lower frequency side of this gate, it tends to question, like, why? Why is this happening? Why am I here? Why does it matter? A lot of questions about why. And when I was in my 20s, and first really exploring my relationship with the infinite divine, one of the patterns I started to notice in my own prayer life is that I asked why a lot.

Even despite not having the gate 61 defined in my chart, I found myself just asking why. And what it usually sounded like was, unfortunately, self-pity. It was like, why is this happening? Why are you letting this happen to me? Why can't you fix this? Why won't you make this go away? And it was really like the opposite of acceptance in my life. And so I took a sabbatical from asking the question why for like six months and tried to creatively turn that energy into other questions. So rather than asking why is something happening to me, I would ask, what are you trying to teach me through this? What is the message I'm supposed to be hearing? How do you want me to respond?

And those questions tended to bring me better answers. So I'm not saying that asking why is prohibited for anyone. This is your relationship with your energy. But ask yourself, is there a better question I can ask? Becoming a master question-asker is really like the game of the head gates and the head center. So flip it over, and turn it into a different question. And then I encourage anyone with this gate to be patient and wait for that ah-ha to come.

This is a real individual energy in the body graph. And so it's the defining difference between knowledge, which is something you could acquire by learning things, and reading about things, and wisdom, which comes from applying that knowledge to a real-life circumstance and embodying it.

We don't need to know why something is the way it is. We don't need to know why the sky is blue to accept that it is blue.

And that is the affirmation of this gate: “I don't need to know why to accept what it is.”

If you have Gate 61 or 61-24 or just the 24, I encourage you to be patient and breathe through the whys. Try to flip them around into different questions and be patient. Your ah-ha will come. Your inner knowledge will be there. It's reliable for you.

Human Design Gate 63

The gate of doubt, which is responsible for asking questions like, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with me? What's wrong with the situation? Again, we need to turn those questions into better questions like, “I wonder what else is possible?”

A higher expression of this energy is to go, okay, this is what I'm experiencing so far. I wonder what else is possible? I wonder what else is possible, God? What else are you trying to show me? What else do you want me to experience? Because dissatisfaction with the pattern is our soul saying, okay, I've experienced that. Let's try something else.

And a lot of times if we get stuck in the question, “What's wrong with me?” we turn that intense energy of Gate 63 into kind of a self-abuse of sorts. Then we tend to recreate based on fear of the exact situation we're trying to avoid.

What else is possible?

An affirmation for this energy: “Doubt is normal, and is a sign we are ready to ask questions.”

Three Good Questions for Human Design Head Center Energy


How do you plan on working this out, Source?


Why are You showing this to me? What do you want me to learn?


What else is possible?

Those three questions will open you up to creative solutions that will change your life.

Teach Your Children Well

When working with children with these energies, teaching them to take their questions into prayer is probably the most important lesson of their incarnation.

What is prayer?

Because I think we can complicate spiritual matters so much, I want to leave you with an idea about what prayer is to me. In its simplest form, prayer is talking and meditation is listening. When we're teaching children about prayer, we're just asking them to talk and to talk to something they can't see and something they can't define yet and maybe never will. And that's okay. But then also to listen, wait, and trust that an answer will come (through the root center and into our manifest reality where we can respond, accept an invitation, delight in it, or take action depending on the individual strategy and authority).

We can compare faith and prayer to a light switch in our home. It takes a great amount of faith for me to flip that switch on. We see this in toddlers when they are so fascinated with turning the switch on and off. The child doesn’t yet have the experience to trust the switch will work, and so they try it again.

As adults, we trust deeply that when we flip the switch up, the light will come on. And when we flip the switch down, the light will turn off. And that in its simplest form is faith. Faith is trust. I trust that something will happen. Something predictable will happen if I just do the action of talking, and then listening, waiting, and trusting.

I would love to hear your thoughts on these energies.

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