For the past few weeks, I have been pondering the concept of High and Low vibrations in Human Design. Regrettably, the “interwebs” seem to have complicated the topic to such a degree that it may take a “Rocket Scientist” to explain it.
Well, unfortunately, “Rocket Scientist” has only made it to my resume on the few glorious occasions when my brother, husband, three hobbits and two princesses have been celebrating the 4th of July together, or enjoying launching random objects into the air. It is hardly “rocket science.” But, I will do my best.
I sincerely believe that many Human Design resources take great pains to over explain various facets of Human Design because they really want to seem credible and trustworthy, especially back in the days when Human Design was laughed at. (Now that scientists actually study neutrinos, guess who’s laughing now?) As well meaning as they may have been, and continue to be, it has made some of the finer points of Human Design, well…obscure.
So, let’s just keep things simple.
Tuning my violin
One of my absolute FAVORITE things about being a musician is tuning my instrument. If you really listen carefully, you will find that there are several microsteps between each half step note, which I find fascinating. The best way to discern this is not with the ear at all, it is with the naked eye.
In high school our rehearsal space was equipped with a very high tech tuner that would display the electronically produced note in one color, and the note of your instrument in another. The object of the “game” (I mean, everything is really just a game, right?") was to get the two colors to match. As you turn the knob at the head of your instrument, you are lengthening and stretching the string and this changes the note ever so slightly. Once you get close, you switch to a smaller fine tuning knob near the tail of the instrument.
When you are close, the most incredible thing happens. The two frequencies, together, actually sound like one very swift moving frequency, and it almost sounds…frantic. But, just a microstep further and AHHHHHH: unison. And just like that, the whole sound wave suddenly seems to have slown down.
What does your energetic vibration look like?
I don’t pretend to be one of those aura readers who can see your color and tones, but I do possess a highly trained ear. Some people’s energy “sounds” and feels more like this:
Some people’s energy is a bit more like this:
That is even stressful to watch!
When I was new to Human Design, I would read some of the descriptions of Low and High vibrations, and planets “in detriment” and my mind would instantly over identify, judge myself, and then play the “chord of shame” on my proverbial instrument. Now that I have been experimenting with my energy, and taking much better care of my need for rest and sunshine (it’s in my chart, and the chart doesn’t lie), I have been able to play around with the more subtle “fine tuning” knob at the tail of my proverbial instrument. What does that look like?
Low vibrations and High vibrations in the Human Design chart are basically biofeedback markers to help YOU know when you need to retune your instrument (your body, your emotions, and your soul).
How to tune yourself
We adjust the energetic strings (in this analogy) in several ways:
Celebrating wins
Changing focus
Breathing deeply
Getting out in nature
Singing along to our favorite 80’s tune
Not taking ourselves too seriously, and so many more…
What are some ways you tune yourself?
Or start a thread about it in our Substack Community Notes.
As always, send me a quick email if you have questions. I respond to every be-YOU-tiful Soul who reaches out. No A.I., no V.A., no nonesense.