An Energetic Introduction 👋
I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself energetically. I’ve shared a bit about myself as a person, but I haven’t shared that much about my design and my energy.
Meet My Energy
I’m Sashya. I’m a 6/2 (Environ)Mental Projector. Leo Sun, Virgo Moon, Leo Rising.
My gift is seeing and mastering systems. I’m able to see patterns and connections between existing systems and combine them to make new systems. That’s how Parenting by Human design was born. And how it continues to get stronger with each new technique and system I learn and master. This is thanks to my energetic ability to penetrate deep, deep, deep down to the core of things (Projector).
My superpower is my authenticity. I my face beams as I smile every single time I read a human design chart and meet the Be-You-tiful soul within it (Virgo Moon).
I’m the Incarnation Cross of Alpha with my Conscious Sun in Gate 31.
I have a burning desire in my heart to bring other people's dreams to life. The value I’m here to give to the world is bold leadership. It’s my greatest joy and my greatest gift to be able see people succeed on their own terms, in harmony with their own You-nique Energetic Blueprint. I don't believe in failure, I believe many people try to copy the success of others and find it falls short, because there is really no such thing as "One Size Fits All" when it comes to the path of a soul.
I’m able to see things from multiple perspectives, as I ruminate over them. (Projector, 6th line, Gate 24: Gate of Rumination, Moon Placements). I’m fascinated with the esoteric (Neptune placements) and create a business by sharing my ideas freely and generously (Moon placements) and showing people what's possible (Line 6, Sun Placement).
I deeply value all the souls I come into contact with. As a Mental Projector with 7 open centers, I am able to hold unconditional space for each person I focus on.
My Human Design Journey
I grew up in a home where I didn’t feel seen and heard. And I know I am not the only one.
Parents love their children. My parents loved me! Parents would give anything for their chilldren. They would even DIE for our children, but it takes a lifetime of trial and error to really get to KNOW our children. And, I don’t have that kind of time. I want to know them for who they are and validate them NOW. It’s my passion to really see and hear others for who they are ~ not who they think they are, or who they are expected to be ~ and help them to turn around and give that incredible gift to their children. What a different world we will live in when every soul in this world is celebrated for who they ARE and who they were created to be, not who we want them to be.
My Strategy
I’m a Projector, so my strategy is to wait for the invitation.
I see this more as creating the invitation. The thing that I am working with now is being willing to get super, super, super visible.
It doesn’t feel good.
But being willing to feel awkward and exposed have been two of the most powerful growth emotions ever. Thank you to Kelsey at Saturday Designs for helping me get started.
My Controversial Human Design Opinions
I have a couple of controversial opinions about Human Design.
The first one is that children were meant to be seen, heard and CHERISHED for who they are ~ who they were created to be. The HUMAN part of Human Design is that NO human out there knows you or your children better than you do. The whole point of it is to allow our INNATE wisdom to guide us in our decisions through our body’s signals (Not some "expert"). This includes our parenting practice.
This is a hill I will die on.
The other unpopular opinion is, your chart is NOT your soul. It is the vehicle your soul moves around in. It is not meant to "condition you" with a whole new set of unrealistic expectations and grief. (Good grief!) It is meant to bring you freedom, and that soft sigh that comes from embodying your truth.
When I first started deconditioning myself, I found myself making up a bunch of new "rules" to live by my design. And guess what? That didn't last long. I developed my proprietary PARTNER process with the wisdom I have gleaned from my own 25 years of parenting practice, over a decadeof embodying my design, and my relationship with G-d. I have mastered the art of controlling what I can and letting go of the rest. But, it hasn't been easy.
I still work my butt off. I sleep 8 hours a night and take an occasional nap during the day (I’m a Projector after all), but I feel like my vision and my dream re-invites me every single day to sit down and create a safe place for other souls to be truly seen and heard, and that lights my soul on fire.
I don’t believe in hustling or working just to work, but I do believe that being an Mom-preneur and a Dream Steward is an incredible feat that takes discipline, commitment, vision, and action. And a lot of heart. 💗
How We Can Work Together Now
My website has all my current offers, so check back often.
I would love to get to know you “energetically”! Reply to this email post with your energetic introduction or start a new thread in our Substack Community Chat.